The show "Charmed" makes the pagan community out to be fools. By mixing fictional mush with semi-factual information about modern Paganism, they do us a great disservice.

Please try to inform your local Warner Brothers station affliiate that you don't agree with this, that you find it insulting and you won't watch.

If you're a census family, don't watch WB. If you have the time, try to watch one episode of Charmed and write all the sponsors to tell them that you don't like thier association with such a show.

The idea is to make as much noise as possible and to try to intimidate the network into not showing portrayls of us which are innaccurate and which purposefully mix reality and fiction.

I'm not against fantasy and certainly not against portrayls of Pagans which are positive and or accurate, unforuntately this show is neither particularly accurate or positive.

Please try to do your part in getting this show taken off the air.

Thank you.
