Nothing has been edited out other than my address
location and that of others in the channel (to protect thier privacy too).
This is very long, but it's quite funny and well
worth the read.
Yes, towards the end I did lie. I'm not born from a shaman in Nunivit.
Lastly, please don't go out to the Chrsistian chennals
and start yelling or making trouble on my behalf. Take note that questioned
and did not attack anyone (or at least not directly).
Session Start: Fri Sep 03 20:14:26 1999
*** Now talking in #christian_chat
<ForestKni> Anyone here?
<^Sean> yes
<^Sean> hello
<ForestKni> Hey ^Sean
<ForestKni> ^Sean, I heard a rumor that Christians eat the body
of thier gods. I laughed, but my friend said it was true. Is it?
<^Sean> no and its not gods
<^Sean> God
<ForestKni> you don't eat your Gods...
<ForestKni> okay.. that's good
<ForestKni> And that probably means you don't drown babies either?
<ForestKni> He called it Bapamatimal?
<^Sean> wha?
<^Sean> that isnt even a denomintaion of christianity
<ForestKni> He said at Bapamatismal Christians bring thier babies
to some head of the group and they drowned the babies in water
<ForestKni> if the baby floats, your gods have accepted it
<ForestKni> if not- well then the baby wasn't meant to be alive
<^Sean> ive never heard of such christians..and we dont have gods..only
one God
<ForestKni> Where do the others stay?
<^Sean> there are no other gods
<^Sean> just one omnipotent one
<ForestKni> Wow, your god sounds lonely
<ForestKni> Mine are always happy becuase they hang out together
<^Sean> our God is the most powerfult hing in the universe
<^Sean> he doesnt get "lonely"
<^Sean> he isnt even human
<ForestKni> <shrug> my cat gets lonely when I leave him alone...
everybody gets lonely
<^Sean> He isnt just anyone
<ForestKni> you aught to get your god a cat
<^Sean> He isnt HUMAN meaning he doenst feel those certain emotions
as we do
<ForestKni> no... you're right. he isnt' just anyone. a SPECIAL
<ForestKni> oh... sounds mean
<^Sean> he isnt
<^Sean> all love
<^Sean> what do your gods do for you anyhow
<ForestKni> they bring me insight
<ForestKni> and provide me with things I need
<ForestKni> But back to yours...
<^Sean> mine provides me with everything i need
<ForestKni> John, that's my friend... he said your god lives in
a house
<^Sean> Heaven
<ForestKni> Is that like a chain?
*** muhan^ (#####@################) has joined #christian_chat
<SunFire> [muhan^] Step inside the light and see the fear of God
burn inside of me!
<CloudFire> [muhan^] Step inside the light and see the fear of God
burn inside of me!
<ForestKni> Whoah... you all fear your god?
<ForestKni> that's pretty messed up
<ForestKni> what's to fear of a god of all love. That's like fearing
your mother
*** CloudFire sets mode: +o muhan^
<^Sean> hello muhan
<muhan^> hello Sean
<ForestKni> So these Heaven places, it's like a franchise?
<ForestKni> like one in every town?
<ForestKni> hello muhan^, we're discussing your Heaven places
<ForestKni> I'm really fascinated
<ForestKni> no one's talking
<ForestKni> it's lonely here
<ForestKni> this feels like what your god must feel like. all these
people around and no one to takl to
<^Sean> i cant talk now im busy
<ForestKni> oh. :(
<ForestKni> well just say when you're not
<ForestKni> I want to talk more
*** Scribe- sets mode: -b *!*
*** MoonFire sets mode: +b *!*
<ForestKni> hello?
*** muhan^ has quit IRC (Step inside the light and see the fear of
God burn inside of me...)
*** JCPUNKER (#######@###########) has joined #Christian_Chat
<ForestKni> Hello JCPUNKER
<ForestKni> it's been lonely here.
<JCPUNKER> 'ello
<ForestKni> we were discussing the Heaven franchises then everyone
<JCPUNKER> nobody else alive in here?
<ForestKni> I'm sure they're alive, just not here
<ForestKni> ^Sean and I were talking
<JCPUNKER> ah, that's what I meant
<ForestKni> he was telling me about the places where your God lives
<JCPUNKER> ah, I see
<ForestKni> so it's like a chain right?
<JCPUNKER> what is?
<ForestKni> that's what was getting me confused, becuase he referred
to it by a singular name, but there's so many of them
<ForestKni> God's Houses, he called them Heavens
<JCPUNKER> hmm, I'm confused as well
<ForestKni> well like I was talking about where your god lives
<ForestKni> becuase your god lives in a house (according to John)...
<ForestKni> he called them God's Houses
<ForestKni> and then Sean said they're called Heaven
<JCPUNKER> hmm, I'm a realtively new Christian..
<ForestKni> oh, so you probably wouldn't know...
<JCPUNKER> probably
<ForestKni> now then there's the other part I don't get
<JCPUNKER> what's that?
<ForestKni> your God has sex with women, right/
<ForestKni> Like Thor?
<JCPUNKER> not that I'm aware of
<ForestKni> Hmm... okay. I heard someone say that this kid was God's
<ForestKni> I guess they were mis-informed
<ForestKni> Yeah... that's his name... I remembered it becuase it
sounded Spainish
<ForestKni> or at least Latin-American
<JCPUNKER> he is God's son
<ForestKni> are you?
<JCPUNKER> am I what?
<ForestKni> your God's son?
<JCPUNKER> I am one of God's children, yes. Through my acceptance
of Jesus as my Savior, I am part of God's family
<ForestKni> okay, so he has lots of children...
<ForestKni> doesn't your mother's husband mind?
<JCPUNKER> oh, let me explain
<JCPUNKER> i accepted Jesus as my savior, and through my trust and
faith, I have become one of God's children.
<ForestKni> so you weren't before?
<JCPUNKER> He is my father in Heaven, not my biological father
<ForestKni> So it's not a blood relation...
<ForestKni> is it through marriage?
<JCPUNKER> not quite
<ForestKni> then I don
<ForestKni> ooops
<ForestKni> don't see the relation
<JCPUNKER> It's through my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Savior
(who died on the cross for my sins, and everyone elses)
<ForestKni> oh, so it's just a title?
<ForestKni> like Captain or General
<JCPUNKER> what's just a title?
<ForestKni> your relations with this guy
<JCPUNKER> He is my Father "so to speak", my spiritual father
<ForestKni> OH... he's like a spiritual leader!
<ForestKni> okay... I think I figured this all out
<ForestKni> So you go to meet this guy, Jesus, and he gives you
advice, and in turn, you belong to this organization where you refer to
yourself as a family
<ForestKni> okay, that's simple enough
<JCPUNKER> Jesus died a long time ago
<ForestKni> so you speak to the dead?
<ForestKni> that's quite a skill, I know lots who try and can't
<JCPUNKER> i seem to be confusing you more than you already were
<ForestKni> no it makes sense
<ForestKni> you're a powerful shaman
<ForestKni> so it's you who runs one of these houses?
*** Scribe- sets mode: -b *!*
*** MoonFire sets mode: +b *!*
<ForestKni> you should. I doubt many of them can speak with the
<ForestKni> it's a rare skill you possess
<JCPUNKER> you misunderstand
<JCPUNKER> we pray
<ForestKni> to who? this god or the guy?
<ForestKni> praying to people's a little like trying to train a
<JCPUNKER> Jesus is in heaven
<JCPUNKER> with God
<ForestKni> How do you know?
<JCPUNKER> because Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and went
to heaven to be with God
<JCPUNKER> The Bible says so
<ForestKni> that some kind of book?
<JCPUNKER> yes it is a Book
<ForestKni> does it have references?
<JCPUNKER> I'm sorry, but I'm having no luck in trying to explain
this to you, and I must go ead supper now
<ForestKni> okay, enjoy your meal
<JCPUNKER> thank you
*** JCPUNKER has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** madlove (#######@##########) has joined #Christian_Chat
*** MoonFire sets mode: +o madlove
<ForestKni> Hello madlove
*** Redeemed (#######@#########) has joined #Christian_Chat
*** MoonFire sets mode: +o Redeemed
<ForestKni> hello Redeemed
<ForestKni> Wow- people
<^Sean> bots
*** madlove sets mode: +o Redeemed
<ForestKni> oh
<ForestKni> are you here?
*** ^Sean has quit IRC (cya guys)
*** Ath|on (#####@##############) has joined #Christian_Chat
<ForestKni> Hello Ath|on
<Ath|on> WOW
<Ath|on> man
<Ath|on> dnag it
<ForestKni> wow?
<Ath|on> hehehe
<Ath|on> im back on hehe
<Ath|on> op me
<Ath|on> =)
<Ath|on> this is chris
<ForestKni> I can't op you
<Ath|on> yea thats right hehe
<Ath|on> hmm
<ForestKni> I'm just here asking questions
<ForestKni> people have been pretty helpful
<Ath|on> yea i own the channel eheh
<Ath|on> just got back
<Ath|on> hehe
*** Nicaoidh (######@##########) has joined #christian_chat
<ForestKni> oh, then you'll know
<Ath|on> knwo what
<Ath|on> ;P
<ForestKni> I'm trying to understand this whole thing
<Ath|on> ok
<Ath|on> let me in on it
<Ath|on> ;P
<ForestKni> this book you guys use...
<Ath|on> ill help if i can
<Ath|on> bible
<Ath|on> hehe
<ForestKni> it doesn't have any references to authors?
<Ath|on> =)
<Ath|on> there ant none
<ForestKni> no authors?
<Ath|on> inaw
<Ath|on> naw
<ForestKni> so who wrote it?
<Ath|on> a hole buch of people wrote it
<Ath|on> hmm
<Ath|on> like
<Ath|on> god told them
<Ath|on> its really old
<ForestKni> if it's old, how do they know?
<Ath|on> know what
*** Scribe- sets mode: -b *!*
*** MoonFire sets mode: +b *!*
<ForestKni> know who did what when?
<Ath|on> because it was written
<Ath|on> on something
<ForestKni> but we don't know by who
<Ath|on> im a new christian
<Ath|on> abotu 4 motuhs or 5
<Ath|on> =)
<Ath|on> dotn knwo much yet
<ForestKni> oh
<Ath|on> hehe
<Ath|on> be right back
*** Ath|on (#####@##################) has joined #Christian_Chat
<Ath|on> ok
<Nicaoidh> wb
<ForestKni> what were you before?
<Ath|on> what you mean
<Ath|on> dood
<Ath|on> =)
* Ath|on once asked Jesus just how much do You Love me? His answer
was: "This much!" He then stretched His arms out on a old rugged cross
and died for me.4REMEMBER 3,1---<--{4,1@ 16 Jesus Loves You &
ME !!!4,1 @3,1}-->---
<ForestKni> you're a new christian you say
<Ath|on> yea
<ForestKni> so what were you before?
<Ath|on> i mean
<Ath|on> see i use to cusss alot
<Ath|on> do wroung
<Ath|on> now i try to live for god
<ForestKni> why is cursing wrong?
<Ath|on> it is
<Ath|on> bad
<ForestKni> why?
<ForestKni> maybe I should stop...
<Ath|on> ill be back
<Ath|on> sorry kinda busy
<ForestKni> okay
*** Ath|on (#####@##################) has left #christian_chat
*** muhan^ (#####@##############) has joined #christian_chat
<SunFire> [muhan^] Step inside the light and see the fear of God
burn inside of me!
<CloudFire> [muhan^] Step inside the light and see the fear of God
burn inside of me!
<Nicaoidh> O.o
<Nicaoidh> double duty?
*** Scribe- sets mode: -b *!*
*** MoonFire sets mode: +b *!*
<ForestKni> well I'm leaving
Session Close: Fri Sep 03 22:15:36 1999
Session Start: Sat Sep 04 22:46:48 1999
*** Now talking in #Christian_Chat
*** Topic is 'Happy and safe Labor Day Weekend!'
*** Set by `Joy on Sat Sep 04 08:37:37
<ForestKni> hello?
<MuSSiNa> hey
*** Lemmy (####@############) has joined #Christian_Chat
<ForestKni> Hello MuSSiNa
<Lemmy> Hi :)
- 5Come visit and do a little something special when the fancy takes you!!!
*** Lemmy (#########@#########) has left #Christian_Chat
<MuSSiNa> who are you ?
<ForestKni> I'm Forest
<ForestKni> I'm looking for information
<ForestKni> you all were very helpful yesterday
<ForestKni> but I'm still confused
<ForestKni> ^Sean?
<^Sean> yes?
<ForestKni> good. you're here
<ForestKni> you were very helpful
<^Sean> glad to help
<ForestKni> the guy later on in the evening was talking about this
book... Bible
<ForestKni> and the people in the other place #ChristianRoom said
the author is "Holy Ghost". Right?
<^Sean> mm hmm and what did he have to say
<^Sean> well yes
<ForestKni> well he was saying it was a collaborative work
<ForestKni> but he didn't know the authors
<^Sean> God used the Holy Spirit to inspire real men to write this
<ForestKni> real men?
<^Sean> humans
<^Sean> God wrote through the men
<MuSSiNa> yep
<ForestKni> Oh... possession!
<^Sean> not exactly
<ForestKni> Okay... that's not uncomon
<^Sean> he did not actually take over their body
<ForestKni> I know a woman who was possessed by one of the gods
<ForestKni> oh
<^Sean> He gave them the ideas and that inspired them to write what
they did
<ForestKni> Oh.. okay
<ForestKni> and who were these people?
<^Sean> prophets and apostles
<^Sean> and other very faithful followers
<ForestKni> what were the names of the prophets?
<^Sean> take awhile to name them all
<^Sean> ill give you examples
<MuSSiNa> matthew mark luke john
<ForestKni> well basically who is the main one to use when you look
up the book?
<^Sean> minor prophets such as amos and malachi
<^Sean> major ones like matthew mark luke john and so on
<^Sean> there is no main one
<ForestKni> well when you look it up, whose name do you use?
<ForestKni> is there an editor?
<^Sean> every one has a certain part or book that theyve written
<^Sean> all at different times
<ForestKni> oh, so it's in sections.
<^Sean> they didnt collaborate
<^Sean> exactly
<ForestKni> Oh... okay
<ForestKni> that makes sense
<ForestKni> and what's in this book?
<^Sean> Part of it is telling what happened in the past and there
are rules and parables
<^Sean> teachings letters
<ForestKni> history?
<^Sean> prophecies
<^Sean> yes
<ForestKni> oh... a book of time!
<^Sean> history that actually happened from adam and eve all the
way over to revelation
<^Sean> well...not sure what ya mean by book of time
<ForestKni> adam and eve
<ForestKni> ?
<^Sean> adam and eve were the first humans
<^Sean> they were the onest hat brought sin upon this race
<ForestKni> a book of time is a book written by a god which discusses...
well... everything that god thinks is important
<^Sean> yes exactly
<ForestKni> what's a sin?
<^Sean> sin is kinda like when you break a rule except you break
Gods rules such as murder or adultery
<^Sean> it brings one trouble and sorrow
<ForestKni> sure. Karma...
<^Sean> not karma
<^Sean> sin is much different from karma
<ForestKni> When you do bad, it will return to you
<ForestKni> Similarly, when you go something good- good will be
returned to you
<^Sean> yes but you can be forgicven of sin
<ForestKni> even murder?
<^Sean> God will forgive..but only if you ask
<^Sean> yes even murder
<ForestKni> what if you don't ask?
<^Sean> though consequences may have the relief of being
<^Sean> God is very pleased with those who see their wrong
<^Sean> and want to get forgiveness
<ForestKni> so then they can go on and do more?
<^Sean> if you dont ask then you probably arent christian
<^Sean> or a hypocrite
<^Sean> yes they can...but Jesus is very displeased when they do
<ForestKni> Okay. Your god forvies you for whatever you do as long
as you say it was wrong...
<ForestKni> Wow- you sure must not have many rules.
<^Sean> we have many rules
<^Sean> 10 commandments are the basic ones..most important
<ForestKni> why should you have a lot of rules if they can all be
<^Sean> because we are striving to be like Jesus....those rules
are to keep us in place
<^Sean> when we break them we stray
<ForestKni> yeah, but then you just ask for forgivness
<^Sean> we can get back on the path to righteousness by forgiveness
<ForestKni> right. that sounds pretty easy
<^Sean> sin will still bring you misery
<^Sean> even if you do get forgiveness
<ForestKni> why?
<^Sean> like if you murder someone you goto jail
<^Sean> even if you are forgiven
<^Sean> just like your parents forgive you but still punish you
<ForestKni> not if they forgive you!
<ForestKni> not my parents at least
<ForestKni> punishment is for when they don't forgive an appology
<^Sean> if they forgive you they must teach you not to do it again
<ForestKni> well yeah, but my parents wouldn't let me ask for forgivness
as many times as I wanted
<^Sean> they need to be more forgiving then
<^Sean> my parents can do that sometimes to
<^Sean> but they always try to forgive me but still punish me when
i do wrong
*** MuSSiNa has quit IRC (ZêRð TõLêRäNçE
v8.51 ->
<^Sean> and i understand that
<ForestKni> that's pretty strange
<^Sean> where did you grow up..thats how its been for ages
<^Sean> people just dont forgive and forget
<^Sean> people forgive others for stealing
<^Sean> but they still get punished
<ForestKni> I grew up in what is now known of as Nunivit
<Wilnut> What is a Nunivit?
*** ^Sean sets mode: +s
<ForestKni> it's a providence of Canada
<^Sean> i goto go for a min
<^Sean> brb
<ForestKni> okay
<Wilnut> I'm from Canada and I never hered of that
<ForestKni> It's a providence
<ForestKni> It was North West Territories
<Wilnut> You mean its not called that anymore?
<ForestKni> It's Nunivit now. We worked out a deal with the governent
to be self-ruling
<Wilnut> wow
<Wilnut> I live in Alberta and thats the first I've hered of that.
<ForestKni> We're the only providence run totally by natives
<Wilnut> Cool
<ForestKni> we think so
<Wilnut> Are you an Inuit (did I spell that ritht?)
<ForestKni> Well not by birth- but that is how I was raised
<ForestKni> I was raised by the Shaman
<ForestKni> well... when I was younger I was raised mosly by his
<ForestKni> but then when I got older- he took me as an apprentice
<Wilnut> So what are there beliefs?
<ForestKni> What do you mean?
<Wilnut> Are they Christian?
<ForestKni> no
<Wilnut> Do they have a religion?
<ForestKni> yes, a very complex one
<ForestKni> but I want to understand you
* muhanGON is back from: nunya Away: 1h 8m 26s
*** muhanGON is now known as muhan^
<ForestKni> hello muhan^
<Wilnut> Well I believe in the Bible
<ForestKni> a book?
<Wilnut> A book inspired by God
<ForestKni> like Scientologists?
<ForestKni> there was a show about them on television
<Wilnut> Scientologists inspired by God?
<ForestKni> hmm?
<ForestKni> I don't understand
<Wilnut> I don't understand what your saying
<ForestKni> so your religion is like Scientology?
<Wilnut> How do you figure?
<ForestKni> you both worship a book
<Wilnut> We don't worship the book
<ForestKni> no- you both worship the author
<Wilnut> The author is God
<ForestKni> they worship El Ron Hubbard and you worship the people
that wrote your book
<ForestKni> ^Sean said the author was people
*** IAmMuhan (#######@############) has joined #christian_chat
*** IAmMuhan has quit IRC (Step inside the light and see the fear of
God burn inside of me...)
<CloudFire> [IAmMuhan] Step inside the light and see the fear of
God burn inside of me!
<SunFire> [IAmMuhan] Step inside the light and see the fear of God
burn inside of me!
<ForestKni> fear?
<ForestKni> why do you fear your god?
<ForestKni> Wilnut?
<Wilnut> Sorry
<ForestKni> it's allright
<ForestKni> why do those two fear your god?
<Wilnut> Its hard to explain
<ForestKni> have they angered hin?
<ForestKni> CloudFire, SunFire?
<Wilnut> No not like that
<ForestKni> Have they done a sin?
<Wilnut> Well we are all sinners
<ForestKni> so do you fear your god?
<Wilnut> Kinda
<ForestKni> well just ask for his forgivness
<muhan^> This fear is a respect
<ForestKni> then why do you say fear?
<muhan^> not a frightening
<muhan^> it's a terminology
<Wilnut> Fear-inspiring
<muhan^> (It's also a line from a Creed song)
<ForestKni> what will he do that would make one fear?
<muhan^> Like I said... this isn't a scariness fear like fearing
attacks of rabid wolverienes.... but a respect
<ForestKni> okay- so there's no need to fear
*** TumblWeed (######@######) has joined #Christian_Chat
*** Seedling (#####@#######) has joined #Christian_Chat
*** Dandelion (#####@######) has joined #Christian_Chat
<muhan^> not if you're Christian, no...
<ForestKni> and if you're not?
<muhan^> yes
<ForestKni> why? what will he do?
<muhan^> You'll burn for eternity in Hell
<ForestKni> not if I were to leave
<Wilnut> There is no such thing is hell
<muhan^> leave what?
*** ^Sean sets mode: +o Seedling
*** ^Sean sets mode: +o TumblWeed
<ForestKni> leave the place where I'm burning
*** ^Sean sets mode: +o Dandelion
<muhan^> you can't...
<Seedling> thanks
<ForestKni> why not?
<muhan^> you're in for good...
<muhan^> it's punishment for your sins...
<ForestKni> how will he keep me there?
<ForestKni> I'm free to come and go as I please. No one keeps me
where I don't want to be
<Wilnut> The Pop even said that theres no such thing as hell.
<muhan^> Not in Hell...
<muhan^> you're in for eternity
<ForestKni> well why would I go to such a place?
<muhan^> cause you're a sinner
<muhan^> and don't have Christ
<ForestKni> yes, but why would I choose to go to such a place
<muhan^> you don't
<ForestKni> for instance... I don't like to go to the doctor, so
I don't go
<ForestKni> oh... then I won't go there
<muhan^> you have no choice if you're not chrisian
<ForestKni> I just will say "I don't want to go to your place."
<muhan^> christian
<ForestKni> Well how will he take me?
<muhan^> Forest- You have no choice...
<muhan^> by force...
<ForestKni> kidnapping?
<muhan^> You'll either be rewarded or punished... no inbetween...
<ForestKni> then I'd cry out
<muhan^> to whom?
<Wilnut> There is no such place
<ForestKni> to my gods
<ForestKni> they will come to my aid
<muhan^> Good luck getting their assistance
<ForestKni> they help me now... why would they not help me in the
<Wilnut> Punishment is death
<muhan^> Then what is life?
<muhan^> Reward...?
<muhan^> hardly, especially for me...
<muhan^> death, if hell didn't exist, would be a reward
<Wilnut> The resurrection is life
<ForestKni> it's neither. it's just the way things are
<ForestKni> well then you're all punished
<ForestKni> you all will die
<Wilnut> Maybe with the hope of resurrection
<ForestKni> what is that?
*** muhan^ is now known as muhanGON
* muhanGON set away: Watching Mask of Zorro Pager: On MsgLog: On
Beeper: On E-Mail: ICQ: 4829211 AIM: Bamaboy199
<Wilnut> Where God will resurrect the dead
<ForestKni> you mean reincarnate?
<Wilnut> No
<ForestKni> then what?
<Wilnut> when the dead will rise again.
<Wilnut> Be alive
<ForestKni> you wouldn't want that...
<Wilnut> Y not
<ForestKni> they'd be missing peices
<ForestKni> the body decomposes
<Wilnut> I believe that god created me, so he can do it again
<ForestKni> what about the peices that are gone?
<Wilnut> He will create
<ForestKni> well what about that which is eaten?
<ForestKni> or grows into a plant?
<Wilnut> You don't understand, he will create a new body.
<ForestKni> for everyone?
<Wilnut> Yes
<ForestKni> it will be crouded
<Wilnut> The good and the bad will be resurrected
<ForestKni> and when will this happen?
<Wilnut> No one knows the day or the year
<ForestKni> we'll need to build houses
<ForestKni> well that means it could be tommorow! we have to start
<ForestKni> will the animals be ressurected too?
<Wilnut> But not all will have ever lasting life
<Wilnut> The ones who do not want to believe in God, will not have
everlasting life
<ForestKni> what will happen to them?
<Wilnut> They will die, with Satin and his fallowers
<ForestKni> whose he?
<Wilnut> Satin?
<ForestKni> yeah
<ForestKni> he like another guy?
<ForestKni> like Jesus?
<Wilnut> Spirit creature who is the chief adversary of God
<ForestKni> what does he look like?
<Wilnut> Yes he is like Jesus
<Wilnut> But an adversary of God
<ForestKni> is he a dead person too?
<Wilnut> No, he is a spirit creature
<ForestKni> what does he look like?
<Wilnut> Like jesus
<Wilnut> No one knows
<ForestKni> what kind of spirit creature?
<ForestKni> like a spirit of the forest?
<Wilnut> The Bible says that Satin is the most beautiful spirit
creature of them all
<Wilnut> But he turn aganst God
<ForestKni> in what way?
<ForestKni> so this Satan is a spirit god ?
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<Wilnut> Yes he is like a God
<ForestKni> I know many spirit gods
<Wilnut> Do you know what the Bible says about them?
<ForestKni> no
<Wilnut> I'm just going to see if I can find it
<ForestKni> okay
<ForestKni> so your god must know the others
<ForestKni> ^Sean?
<ForestKni> Sean said that your god wasn't lonely, but of course
not, since there are so many others to talk to
<Wilnut> 2 Cor. 11:14, 15: “Satan himself keeps transforming himself
into an angel of light. It is therefore nothing great if his ministers
also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness.” (So
we should not be misled when some of the things done by spiritistic means
seem to be temporarily of benefit.)
<Seedling> God (the Christians God is the only God all others are
made up by man)
<ForestKni> then where do the others come from?
<ForestKni> it makes no sense.
<ForestKni> if your book sees them, then they cannot be made up
<Seedling> all the other gods are made up by man they are not real
<ForestKni> but then how does your god see them?
<Seedling> Satan is not a god he is a fallen angel that ws created
by God
<Wilnut> He is not God almighty
<ForestKni> I wish I knew who you were talking about
<ForestKni> There are many different gods
<Wilnut> He is God like
<Seedling> he fell when he bacame pridefull becasue he was the highest
angel and thought of himself that he was higher than God
<ForestKni> can you describe him?
<ForestKni> does he use other names?
<Seedling> there is only 1 God
<ForestKni> well... it's a He... so that eliminates the female gods
<ForestKni> no- this Satan god...
<ForestKni> but there are many male gods too
<Wilnut> Spirit creature
<ForestKni> flying?
<ForestKni> does he live in the water?
<Wilnut> Don't know
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<Wilnut> Don't know
<ForestKni> does he look like a deer? a bear?
<ForestKni> well then how do you know about him?
<fish_> hello!
<ForestKni> hello fish_
<Wilnut> The bible says that he was cast down to earth
<ForestKni> he's the highest spirit creature... hmmm
<ForestKni> well there is no ONE highest spirit creature
<ForestKni> there IS Herne... he's the king...
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<fish_> what is spirit creature?
<ForestKni> fish_- the god Satan
<fish_> oh
<Seedling> satan is not a god
<Seedling> he is a fallen angel taht was created by God
<ForestKni> what's an angel?
<fish_> there is only one God, and He is Jesus!
<^Sean> an angel is a being above humans and below God
<ForestKni> I thought Jesus was a man?
<Wilnut> Just one minut I have to put the kids to bed
<ForestKni> okay
<Seedling> angles are messangers
<^Sean> they existed before creation and demons are those that followed
Satan during his prideful fall
<ForestKni> messangers of what?
<ForestKni> why would they follow him?
<fish_> whatever God wants us to know
<Seedling> man is above angles the bible says that man will
judge the angels
<ForestKni> so then angels must not be gods
<fish_> tur true
<ForestKni> so where are the gods?
<Seedling> no angels are not gods
<fish_> there is only one God
<^Sean> there are no god(s)
<ForestKni> and the others?
<^Sean> God
<^Sean> there are no others
<ForestKni> well then who was I speaking to?
<ForestKni> and who spoke back?
<^Sean> what are ya talkin about?
<ForestKni> I mean, when I talk to my gods, and they come to me
and we speak, well who are they?
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<^Sean> hey xyz
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<^Sean> your gods are demons probably
<ForestKni> deamons?
<^Sean> demons can impersonate real beings
<XYZ1024> hello
<muhanGON> Hello XYZ1024! How are you?
<ForestKni> then how are they not?
<XYZ1024> good u?
<XYZ1024> ForestKni they are demons fallen angels that decieded
to folow satan when he fell instead of following God
* muhanGON is back from: Watching Mask of Zorro Away: 35m 30s
<^Sean> heh wb muhan
*** muhanGON is now known as muhan^
<muhan^> gracias
<ForestKni> XYZ1024- why would they do that?
<^Sean> de nada
<ForestKni> XYZ1024- why would they follow this Satan rather than
your god?
<^Sean> because they believe satan was higher
<Wilnut> Satan urged Eve to decide for herself what was good and
what was bad. (Gen. 3:3-5; in contrast see Proverbs 3:5, 6.) Many who follow
Eve’s course do not know what God’s will for mankind is, nor are they interested
in finding out. They just “do their own thing,” as they say. Those who
know God’s requirements and try to conform to them need to be careful that
the world’s spirit does not cause them deliberately to ignore the counsel
of Go
<^Sean> but they cant turn back now
<XYZ1024> not sure really maybe they thought that satan was more
powerfull but he isn't
<ForestKni> how do you know?
<^Sean> read the Bible
<ForestKni> it's a book written by your god
<ForestKni> that sounds like a poltical war
<^Sean> it isnt
<^Sean> God made Lucifer ..the highest and most beautiful angel
<^Sean> the morning star if you will
<^Sean> and Lucifer got to proud of his looks and power and God
kicked him outta heaven
<ForestKni> that is your god's story
<^Sean> 1/3 of the angels followed him
<^Sean> thats the only story
<ForestKni> did you ask the other party?
<^Sean> ask satan?
<ForestKni> yes
<^Sean> what would he say different?
<ForestKni> maybe he has a different oppinion of the events
<^Sean> uhh there would be no opinion God doenst just do those things
without a reason
<XYZ1024> satan is the father of lies and therefore is not a reliable
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<SunFire> [Rastan] Hello Rats Tan!!! I mean Rastan. :P
<HighWind> [Rastan] Hello Rats Tan!!! I mean Rastan. :P
<CloudFire> [Rastan] Hello Rats Tan!!! I mean Rastan. :P
<Rastan> woa
<^Sean> hey jarrett
<ForestKni> who said he was the father of lies?
<Rastan> lots o ppl
<ForestKni> well I haven't seen anyone of these people who've talked
to both sides
<ForestKni> I try to stay away from polotics
<^Sean> you cant talk to satan and get the truth
<^Sean> and it isnt politics
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<^Sean> lucifer just got to much pride and fell
<^Sean> end of story
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<CloudFire> [Rastan] Hello Rats Tan!!! I mean Rastan. :P
<ForestKni> that's what my ex-girlfriend says
<ForestKni> she says I lie a lot... but it's not true
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<XYZ1024> God is the truth what He says is the truth
<ForestKni> some people believe her and some people believe me
<Rastan> hrm
<^Sean> there was no politics then
<Rastan> lots of ppl
<Rastan> where u get these ppl from?
<^Sean> dont see where ya get that
<^Sean> they just came in jarrett
<ForestKni> ^Sean- well if you don't ask everyone, you can't know
the whole story
<Rastan> oh
<^Sean> xyz is a bot owner
<Rastan> neat
<XYZ1024> God knows everything
<^Sean> if you ask a liar youll get a false story
<ForestKni> ^Sean- how do we know who's lieing?
<XYZ1024> he knows the real truth
<^Sean> if you ask the one who tells the truth you get the whole
<^Sean> he never tells the truth
<ForestKni> but how do we know who is telling the truth?
<^Sean> satan is pure evil
<XYZ1024> God is not biased
<^Sean> never telling the truth
<ForestKni> I'd need to talk to an objective source
<Rastan> wat kinda discussion we having?
<^Sean> trying to pry relationships apart and destroy christians
<XYZ1024> God is objective
<ForestKni> someone not involved in this war
<^Sean> angels
<ForestKni> XYZ1024- how can he be?
<^Sean> God is subjective
<^Sean> the archangels and such are objective
<ForestKni> ^Sean- then why did some of them follow the other god?
<XYZ1024> He is the alpha and omega the begining and the end the
creator of everything
<Rastan> other god?
<ForestKni> yes, Satan
<^Sean> the demons followed satan becuase of his former power
<Rastan> u mean Satan?
<^Sean> and satan is not a god
<Rastan> Satan is no god
<Rastan> God is God
<^Sean> he flees from Jesus
<ForestKni> I don't understand
<^Sean> he enters heaven to try to convict people of sins
<ForestKni> I wish there was someone objective to ask
<Wilnut> He is not God almighty, but he is god like.
<^Sean> satan is not god like
<^Sean> he is below us
<ForestKni> Wilnut- well if someone would tell me his name, I may
know him
<^Sean> we can command him in the name of Jesus
<ForestKni> I know most of the gods
<Rastan> Satan's name is Lucifer.
<^Sean> satan is Lucifer
<ForestKni> ^Sean- I don't know anyone by that name
<Rastan> heh
<ForestKni> But someone else said he was a forest creature god
<Wilnut> All angels are God like
<XYZ1024> !muhan^ alabama.wav
<Wilnut> But they are not the Almighty God
<Rastan> there is only one God
<Rastan> and that is God
<^Sean> there are no gods of the forest or any thing like that
<Wilnut> Yes
<^Sean> those were just pagans because people didnt want to believe
int he real god
<Rastan> capital
<^Sean> all these myths about forest gods were created during the
bible age
<Rastan> God
<XYZ1024> no where in teh bible does it say that angels are like
God only man ins made in the image of God
<Rastan> its a name
<ForestKni> Hmm... it seems your god is being greedy
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<^Sean> angels are above man they dwell in heaven but they are not
as powerful as God
<Rastan> he is a jealous God
<Rastan> he is a jealous God because he should be the one worshipped
<^Sean> our whole purpose here is to love Him
<Rastan> because he made us
<XYZ1024> how can he be gready he created everything it is all his
because he made it
<^Sean> nothing else
<ForestKni> XYZ1024- well he doesn't want you to talk to the other
<Rastan> cause he is a jealous God
<ForestKni> XYZ1024- like a girl who becomes angry when you look
at other women
<^Sean> Our God dislikes these false pagans
<Rastan> and there are no other gods
<^Sean> Fores- why do you worship statues and plants..they do nothing
for you
<XYZ1024> there are not gods like God
<ForestKni> ^Sean- I never worshiped a statue
<^Sean> the gods you speak of are demons impersonating
<^Sean> they are not real gods
<ForestKni> ^Sean- have you asked them?
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<^Sean> that would be pagan worship
<Rastan> heh
<^Sean> FALSE UNREAL gods
<ForestKni> false in what way?
<^Sean> false meaning they dont exist
<Rastan> ya
<^Sean> just thought up in someones mind
<ForestKni> well then how do we speak to them?
<ForestKni> and how do they do things for us?
<^Sean> youd ont
<^Sean> its all in your head
<^Sean> you have NO proof
<Rastan> u dont speak to pagan gods
<^Sean> nothing absolutley nothing
<Rastan> they not real
<ForestKni> ^Sean- do you have proof?
<Rastan> about wat?
<^Sean> our God's Bible contains scientific facts and stories that
have been proven true by science
<^Sean> yours is just a plastic image in your head
<Rastan> u know the flood?
<ForestKni> like Adam and Eve?
<^Sean> noahs ark for example
<Rastan> Do u know about the flood?
<Rastan> ya
<ForestKni> which flood?
<^Sean> the only great flood
<Rastan> they found shells and stuff on top of mountains!
<^Sean> theyve found babylon
<^Sean> ancient city from b.c years
<ForestKni> anyway... I don't see why you all are so angry at me
<^Sean> we are not
<ForestKni> I only seek to understand
<Rastan> we are not angry
<^Sean> you dont allow anything we say into your head
<Rastan> we need u to find the real God
<ForestKni> I am listening to you
<^Sean> you just repeat the same things over and over
<ForestKni> but I trust my own eyes and ears rather than those of
somone I cannot see
<^Sean> youc an see your gods?
<^Sean> i doubt it
<ForestKni> yes
<XYZ1024> just because you can;t see something doesn't mean it is
not real
<^Sean> all you do is pray to them and get no response and no feedback
<ForestKni> I get feedback
<^Sean> i see His works
<^Sean> thats enough for me
<ForestKni> I get insight, I get visisons, I get my requests fulfilled
<Rastan> btw the bible also has some extrateresstrial messages
<^Sean> by demons
<^Sean> demons have some power over earthy things
<ForestKni> it seems this is a political distinction
<^Sean> they can maim people give people power and such
<ForestKni> I do not want to enter your politcal war
<^Sean> but hey cannot take their soal
<ForestKni> huh?
<^Sean> there is no politics
<^Sean> thats a flawed human trait
<Rastan> wat politics?
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<ForestKni> well two sides arguing sounds like polotics to me
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<Rastan> its truth
<^Sean> 2 sides arent arguing
<^Sean> they are opposites yes
<^Sean> but God has no need to argue with Satan
<^Sean> since Satan will be cast out eventually
<Rastan> pit of fire
<ForestKni> war
<^Sean> He is watching us and trying to get us to turn to Him
<ForestKni> this is a full blown war!
<^Sean> not war
<ForestKni> with a draft!
<^Sean> you speak of human things
<ForestKni> I have no desire to enter a war.
<ForestKni> I fight for no one
<^Sean> God in his ethereal plane is much higher than us...we cannot
attain to his ways
<Rastan> if u dont fight for God than you will be fighting for Satan
<Rastan> no matter wat
<ForestKni> I don't fight for anyone but me
<^Sean> then you will parish
<ForestKni> I doubt any of you could live in the forest as long
as I
<^Sean> i dont know what else to say to you
<Rastan> when judgement occurs u will have to choose between the
<^Sean> you may live a long life here but when you are in front
of the judgment seat
<ForestKni> I choose who is nice to me
<^Sean> youll wish you'd listen to us
<XYZ1024> there is nothing political about it God created
everything and made man to worship Him out of freewill and created aheaven
for those who believed in Him and hell for satan and deamons
satan works very hard to try to prevent people from believing in God so
that he can take them to hell with him and be eternaly separated from God
<ForestKni> hmmm...
<ForestKni> where are the others?
<XYZ1024> what others?
<ForestKni> if you all fight for your god, where are the other people
who fight for this Satan god?
<Rastan> hm?
<ForestKni> I want to talk to them.
<^Sean> im gonna watch for a bit im getting tired
<Rastan> Satan is not a god
<ForestKni> Well whatever you call him
<Rastan> Satan is a seperated archangel
<XYZ1024> some people have believed the lies of satan and follow
<ForestKni> where are his followers?
<Rastan> satanists
<ForestKni> Okay, where can I find them?
<Rastan> u dont want to talk to them
<ForestKni> how do you know?
<ForestKni> maybe they have a different story.
<ForestKni> I always want to talk to all sides
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God burn inside of me...)
<^Sean> satanists are the ones that visited Columbine
<^Sean> tehy are all hate
<XYZ1024> one of satan's tactics is to convince people he doesn't
exist an that God is causing all the trouble in their life making them
fear and hate God which only draws tehm closer to satan even if they don't
believe he exists
<^Sean> gothic
<Rastan> hmmm
<ForestKni> gothic?
<^Sean> yes
<Rastan> some gothics arent satanists
<^Sean> satanist
<ForestKni> what is gothic?
<Rastan> but few are
<^Sean> most are
<^Sean> the ones thet killed the people in columbine were satanist
<Rastan> ya
<^Sean> you see what satan does to people?
<ForestKni> what?
<ForestKni> no I don't
<^Sean> colorado school shooting
<Rastan> Satan makes people hate and kill.
<^Sean> a few months back
<ForestKni> what do you do to satanists?
<Rastan> nothing
<Rastan> we try to bring them to the lord
<^Sean> try to turn them back if possible
<Rastan> they are lost
<Rastan> and in a place of evil
<ForestKni> do all satanists kill?
<^Sean> most want to
<ForestKni> and what are goths?
<^Sean> np love in them
<Rastan> most cant due to law
<^Sean> goths are satanists or occultic
<ForestKni> what is occult?
<^Sean> cults
<^Sean> you know what they are right?
<ForestKni> no
<^Sean> wow you are sheltered
<Rastan> heh
<Rastan> they are religions
<^Sean> cults are groups of people with some thing they worship
<^Sean> like heavens gate
<ForestKni> I think you are sheltered, never talking to the gods
<ForestKni> Oh... like you all?
<^Sean> they all committed suicide cause of the hale bopp comet
<ForestKni> hale bopp comet?
<^Sean> yes religious like us but in an opposite way
<Rastan> heh
<^Sean> forest your knowledge is so shallow
<^Sean> where have you been all these years
<Rastan> heh
<^Sean> dont you goto school?
<ForestKni> I told you. I am from Nunivit
<XYZ1024> a cult is any group that accepts non-biblical and/or extra-biblical
teaching as the teaching of God
<ForestKni> I was an apprentice
<^Sean> so what you should know about this things
<^Sean> sheltered means you dont get out you dont know what the
world is like
<ForestKni> Any group that does not believe as you is a cult?
<^Sean> which is you obviously
<Wilnut> Forest if you pray to your gods then your religious too
<ForestKni> well of course I pray to my gods
<Rastan> they are an cult because they dont understand the power
of God
<ForestKni> they like that
<Wilnut> That makes you religious
<Rastan> and they make up other means
<ForestKni> everyone likes to be told they're good
<ForestKni> other means?
<^Sean> fine ill pray to your god that you die..will you die? no
<Rastan> to worship because they dont accept the real God
<^Sean> my point exactly
<ForestKni> maybe... do you have a reason for me to die?
<^Sean> is drastic enough to prove your gods exist
<ForestKni> if you could convince my god that I was so terrible,
he might help
<^Sean> if you died a minute ago i would have beieved in your god
<ForestKni> well why would any of my gods kill me?
<Wilnut> Thats not true
<^Sean> to prove they are real to me
<ForestKni> I've always been faithful
<ForestKni> Why are you more important to them than me?
<^Sean> so what
<^Sean> im not
<Wilnut> Sean so how will you prove that your god is true
<ForestKni> well then why kill me?
<^Sean> but to prove they are real to get another follower they
would have killed you to dwell with them
<ForestKni> why would they kill me, destroy me, to prove to YOU
that they exist?
<Wilnut> Will he kill me if you ask
<ForestKni> well fine... will your god kill you if I ask?
<Rastan> u cant just call on God to kill someone
<^Sean> not at all it isnt my time
<Wilnut> Rastan thats right
<ForestKni> well then... I don't see how you can prove your god
to me more than I to you
<^Sean> but since your gods are almighty and have no love they can
do as they wish
<ForestKni> who says they have no love
<^Sean> for 1 they arent real
<Rastan> Forest: did u know that in the bible there are some extraterrestrial
<^Sean> so a non-living being cannot love
<ForestKni> they love the world, that's why they try to keep it
in order
<ForestKni> Rastan- some what?
<^Sean> keep it in order? whats makin the world so bad ?
<Rastan> et messages
<^Sean> if they are so powerful they can stop all this
<^Sean> our God doesnt because he gave us free will
<ForestKni> ^Sean- the seasons, the weather, growth
<^Sean> to go either way
<Wilnut> But do you know who runs the world
<^Sean> well obviously your gods have been slacking with all the
droughts floods hurricans and earthquakes
<ForestKni> ^Sean- that is mostly human doing
<^Sean> they need to pick the pace up a little if they are to save
the world
<ForestKni> ^Sean- they can't come here and just undo all of what
people do
<^Sean> well if they ahve power over those things than they can
stop it
<^Sean> if they are omnipotent thant hey can
<ForestKni> who says they want to save the world for people?
<^Sean> that means your gods dont have as much power as you think
<^Sean> why are they here then?
<ForestKni> no- it means they don't care about a city being destroyed
<^Sean> they wanna save the world for the trees or something?
<ForestKni> for nature
<Rastan> Did u know that some names like Schwartkoff can be found
in the Hebrew bible if u go every so letters or numbers over
<^Sean> men are cutting their forests down and things
<^Sean> why dont htey stop that?
<ForestKni> ^Sean- it's not thier place to do so
<^Sean> they are testing on animals and things
<Rastan> or phrases like "Oklahoma City Bombing"
<^Sean> then what is their place?
<^Sean> what do they do?
<^Sean> sit and watch tv all day
<ForestKni> ^Sean- they take care of ALL of it
<Rastan> can be found in the bible
<^Sean> they are doin a bad job then
<^Sean> the weather and things are out of control
<ForestKni> does YOUR god stop this all?
<^Sean> why dont they clean the skys or something
<ForestKni> ^Sean- is it?
<^Sean> my God doenst stop it because he gave us free will to do
as we wish
<XYZ1024> ForestKni how can they be taking care of all of it yet
from what you have said they aren't doing anything
<^Sean> we turn against him he doenst harm us
<ForestKni> ^Sean- and so why can't mine?
<^Sean> because they are not like my god
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<^Sean> you didnt say they gave free will
<^Sean> you said they try to protect the earth
<^Sean> tehy arent doin their job then
<ForestKni> they can't stop people from doing what they want
<^Sean> then they arent allmighty
<ForestKni> people have a right to do what they will
<ForestKni> no- they respect people
<^Sean> yea they do but the gods can stop them witht heir power
<XYZ1024> ForestKni from what you have said your gods don't care
about people so why would they protect you if they don't care about you?
<ForestKni> XYZ1024- they don't have to
<ForestKni> I can protect myself if I want
<^Sean> your gods have to start cleanin up soon or their earth is
gonna go poof
<^Sean> so if i have a gun to your head and i shoot you
<ForestKni> ^Sean- no... earth will be here for a LONG time
<XYZ1024> ForestKni you can protect yourself form your gods?
<ForestKni> no- from people
<^Sean> so if i shoot you you can stop the bullet?
<XYZ1024> ForestKni why do you worship your gods?
<ForestKni> maybe... or maybe I can stop you from shooting
<ForestKni> why do you worship yours?
<Wilnut> Satan urged Eve to decide for herself what was good and
what was bad. (Gen. 3:3-5; in contrast see Proverbs 3:5, 6.) Many who follow
Eve’s course do not know what God’s will for mankind is, nor are they interested
in finding out. They just “do their own thing,” as they say. Those who
know God’s requirements and try to conform to them need to be careful that
the world’s spirit does not cause them deliberately to ignore the counsel
of Go
<^Sean> you cant stop bullets
<^Sean> id love to pay good money to see you do that
<ForestKni> ^Sean- how do you know?
<^Sean> its not humanly possible
<ForestKni> how do you know?
<XYZ1024> God loves me and [rovides for me and will help me when
i need help He cares about me
<^Sean> what you gonna do use the force?
<ForestKni> the force?
<Rastan> actually if u had chi powers u could.
<^Sean> use your gods tree power?
<^Sean> but im sure forest isnt a chi master
<ForestKni> the power of a tree could stop a bullet actually, yes
<^Sean> i doubt it
<Rastan> but than u are satanic
<^Sean> but your gods dont protect you remember?
<^Sean> so the god of the tree wont lend you the power
<ForestKni> I wouldn't need them for that
<XYZ1024> ForestKni why do you worship your gods?
<ForestKni> there is no god of the tree
<^Sean> how would you stop it then?
<ForestKni> well first I'd keep you from shooting
<Rastan> how will u stop bullets?
<^Sean> if i was far away from you
<^Sean> and i shot you squarein the head
<ForestKni> what does distance have to do with it?
<ForestKni> well if you are so far- you may miss
<Rastan> ummm
<^Sean> if 5 people all had automatic guns and shot at you
<Rastan> not neccessarily
<^Sean> could you stop them?
<^Sean> if i was far away you couldnt reach me
<ForestKni> I'd keep them from shooting
<^Sean> how?
<ForestKni> reach you?
<Wilnut> Rev. 13:2: “The dragon [Satan the Devil] gave to the beast
its power and its throne and great authority.” (Comparison of the description
of this “beast” with Daniel 7 indicates that it represents human government,
not just one such but the global system of political rulership. That Satan
is its ruler agrees with Luke 4:5-7, also with Revelation 16:14, 16, which
depicts demonic utterances as leading the rulers of all the earth to war
<^Sean> how would you stop me or anyone else?>
<ForestKni> I'd keep you from shooting
<ForestKni> or try
<^Sean> how?
<^Sean> would you lunge at me?>
<XYZ1024> ForestKni why do you worship your gods?
<ForestKni> but you all seem aimed on shooting me
<ForestKni> XYZ1024- you never answered my question
<^Sean> well i wanna see how you would not die
<Rastan> no were not
<XYZ1024> i did answer
<XYZ1024> God loves me and [rovides for me and will help me when
i need help He cares about me
<ForestKni> same with all my gods
<XYZ1024> now lets se your answer
<^Sean> im insisting because you arent giving me a straight answer
<Rastan> we just want to know how u can survive and stop bullets
<XYZ1024> you said that your gods don;t caer about people
<ForestKni> who says I could?
<^Sean> you did
<XYZ1024> don't care that is
<^Sean> you are contradicting yourself to much
<ForestKni> No... I said I could probably keep you from killing
<XYZ1024> you fall into the catagory of people
<^Sean> how would you keep me from killing you?
<ForestKni> 1) I would keep you from shooting
<^Sean> how though?
<^Sean> would you grab me or something?
<ForestKni> well not letting you find me is a good way
<^Sean> see? no straight answer
<ForestKni> why should I let you kill me?
<^Sean> you have no answers and we have just proven your gods false
<ForestKni> or even TRY to kill me?
<^Sean> stop contradicting and leave
Session Close: Sun Sep 05 01:04:33 1999